Here is my plan and details for our weekend away in April.
Date: Fri 26 Apr – Sat 27 Apr 2019
Venue: Snowdonia, North Wales
I will pick you up at the train station at Milton Keynes at about 15:30 We will drive up to Snowdonia and plan our adventure [an event with an unknown outcome!] on route up there. We should be in Snowdonia for about 7.30pm just as the sun is setting.
Depending on the weather we may walk into a wild camp spot with (or without!) a tent and spend the evening looking at the stars from a remote location.
This will put us right in the heart of the mountains for our day on Saturday.

I am thinking we will do a number of routes that probably (!) involve the use of a rope to keep us on the mountain and may well be quite exciting. We may well have an abseil down part (or all) of a cliff to get off and back to our car at the end of the day on Saturday.

You will need these items for camping
- Sleeping bag (I can provide if you don’t have one)
- Sleeping mat
- Spoon
- Fork
- Knife
- Mug
- Bowl
- Water bottle
- Dry bags to keep kit dry (you can use plastic bags if you don’t own them)
- Tooth brush & toiletries
- Head torch & spare batteries
We will sort this out on our way up there
Clothing You need to bring
- Underwear
- Thermal base layer
- Mid layer fleece/ warm top
- Water proof top
- Water proof trousers
- Walking boots
- Gloves
- Warm hat
- Another warm top (your Patagonia jacket would be nice)
Ruck Sack to carry everything or bring a duffel bag/ kit bag and we can sort out the ruck sack when we sort kit out on Friday.
Your ruck sack should be about 50-60 litres (and then at least you can carry everything easily). I can provide you with a ruck sack if you don’t have one.
I will provide
- Map & Compass
- Tent/ Bivi bag
- Food
- Stove & Gas
- Climbing kit
- First aid kit
Any thoughts/ questions/ things you need please do ping them to me. It’s much easier to sort out now than in the car on the way up!
Routes we may well do over the day depending on where we choose to camp on Friday:
- Cneifion Arete Idwal
- Clogwyn Pearson Arete
- Bristly Ridge- Glyder Fach
- Milestone Buttress- Tryfan
- Chasm Face- Glyder Fach
It’s going to be fab! Cheers Jeremy