Welcome to the page with all the information you need for the the St. Crispins training and qualifying expeditions set for 2024 with Hepworth Adventures. We hope everything you need will be contained on this page, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to email us info@hepworthadventures.co.uk
Thanks Jeremy
Training and preparation day: Friday 24 May 9am – 4pm. Go Ape Bracknell car park, RG12 7QW
Qualifying expedition: Thursday 27 June – Friday 28 June 2024
We will arrange the start/ end points on the training day in May. A lot depends on how far the group want to walk and what their aims are over the two days.
Overnight camp is at Garners’ Field Scout camp site, Tilford GU10 2AQ
On the second day, students will be encouraged to message parents approximately 1 hour before the finish time to give a more accurate arrival time at their destination. Usually groups finish at about 3pm
These will be finalised on the training day in May. If there are any amendments (including tent alterations), please email info@hepworthadventures.co.uk Groups must be between 4 and 7 in size.
Harry Henry Jasper Josh Leo Luke Noah Thomas | Abbie Brooke Kirsty Lilly |

For the expedition, your son/ daughter will need lunch on day 1, an evening meal, day 2 breakfast and a snack for day 2 lunch. From experience, usually students bring far too much food than too little!
They should have water for the walk- 1 litre and if it is hot, we will provide additional water stops along the journey.
Kit list
For the training day, please would your son/ daughter arrive with:
- Appropriate warm clothing to be outside all day
- Waterproof top
- Sun hat (if sunny)
- Sun cream (if sunny)
- Packed lunch (to be eaten cold)
- something to help make a hot drink e.g. hot chocolate, tea or coffee
- a plastic mug
- Water bottle
- a 60-80 litre ruck sack to carry everything
- A pen or pencil
We will provide tent, stove, fuel, maps, compasses and this will be handed out at the start of the expedition. Please make sure that your son/ daughter has space in their ruck sack. Everything (except a roll mat) should be on the inside of their ruck sack rather than being strapped to the outside and hanging off.
If it doesn’t fit in, they are bringing too much stuff!

We provide
- Tent
- Stove
- Fuel (gas)
- Map
- Compass
We prefer it if students bring their own rucksacks but we can supply one if necessary. We will organise this on the training day.
We will provide instruction from qualified, experienced adults, all have worked with Hepworth Adventures before and who are used to working with teenagers!
The qualifying expedition will be assessed by a qualified DofE assessor and a personal report will be uploaded onto the E-DofE account for your son/ daughter.
At the camp site, the students will be supervised overnight.
Please note, that on the expedition, as per the aims and requirements for the DofE, the students will be walking with remote supervision in between check points.

Cost and booking
The cost for the training/ preparation day and two day expedition is £160 (including VAT at 20%).
We offer a bursary for those students who are Pupil Premium/ on free school meals.
Please do contact Jeremy directly to discuss this further.
Booking is made via a form on this website, the booking is directly with Hepworth Adventures and not the school. Payment for the expedition is made via BACS.
Click here to complete the booking form
Thank you